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Fighting to Save Israeli Democracy

The March On Jerusalem

Marching to Jerusalem _edited_edited.jpg

As Netanyahu and his extremist government forge ahead with the regime coup, Israelis have intensified their massive nationwide protests with a full-blown pilgrimage to the holy city of Jerusalem that has one goal: Saving Israel’s Democracy.

Over the next few days citizens will join in this grand pilgrimage and march on foot to the Knesset, arriving just in time for the 2nd and 3rd readings of the anti-democratic bill to abolish the Reasonableness Doctrine - which if passed, will finalize the legislative process and this outrageous bill will become law.


In addition to those who have chosen to march, thousands have already volunteered and brought food, cold water, and other essential gear to the marching protesters. They have set up full tent cities with mattresses, offered rides to those seeking a break from the heat, and opened up their homes for anyone needing a bed or a shower. It is truly an amazing experience.


Join the march if you can!  Maps and locations will be posted updating you on where and when you can join in, or just stop by to say hello. And most importantly, we need you all there, with us, outside the Knesset, to stop this corrupt government from taking away our democracy.

Look for the hashtag #MarchOnJerusalem

The March On Jerusalem Daily Summary

Day 3  

Friday, July 21, 2023

Over 10,000 marchers of all ages continued their historic journey, starting at Kibbutz Nachshon. After hours of walking uphill in the hot sun, marchers joined in a festive Sabbath evening celebration, and camped out for the night at Shoresh, about 11 miles from Jerusalem. Tomorrow they will continue on to reach Jerusalem.

Day 2  

Thursday, July 29, 2023 

Thousands more joined the historic 45-mile march from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to protest the judicial overhaul. After a long day of marching in the hot sun, marchers were greeted by volunteers with water and food, mattresses and tents for camping overnight.

Day 1  

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 

The march began in Tel Aviv the night before and marchers spent the night in Ariel Sharon Park.  Protest leaders  Shikma Bressler, Moshe Radman, Ran Har Nevo and Ami Dror are leading the march toward Jerusalem, which will arrive on Saturday. By the end of Day 1 there were 10,000 marchers.

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#MarchOnJerusalem A Historical March to Save Israeli Democracy
Thousands have joined the March
Good Samaritans built a tent city
From one edge of the horizon to the other
Protestors will be flooding Jerusalem!
A Million people will look the government in the eye
Embarking on a historic day for Israel!
In the heat, under the beating sun pro-democracy protestors march on.
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