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Who We Are

USA for Israeli Democracy is a grass-roots group focused on US-based actions to support democracy in Israel.

Through advocacy, education, support for organizations working on the ground in Israel, and empowering member actions in the US, we stand with the majority of Israel’s population in opposition to the proposed judicial overhaul and for maintaining democracy. Keeping Israel democratic is a US national interest. We have initiated letter writing campaigns to congress members and to President Biden, written open letters to Jewish organizations, organized webinars, created educational materials, and translated related content from Hebrew to English.

USA for Israeli Democracy is not aligned with any existing political organization. We are left and right, secular and religious, American born and Israeli expats. We all care deeply about Israel and are united with the goal of protecting its democracy. 


We are grateful for our team of volunteer translators, proofreaders, editors, subtitles, logistics, administrators, creatives, and web who are tirelessly working to create the largest repository of translated documents and media contents in English that is focused on the democracy crisis and protest movement. We thank the volunteers who design and maintain our website and social media channels including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. 

Donation links included on our site are to organizations operating in Israel and go to support the struggle for democracy in Israel. 


Join USA for Israeli Democracy.  Together our voices are stronger. Together we can make a meaningful impact and uphold democracy in Israel.

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