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Watch Translated Interviews with Former Directors
of the Mossad and the Shin Bet
March 9, 2023
Watch the translated interview of Ilana Dayan with Tamir Pardo, former Director of the Mossad.
*Translated for USA for Israeli Democracy with permission from Uvda A.D. Ltd/Keshet 12. Uvda A.D. Ltd/Keshet 12 is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the translation.
March 16, 2023
Watch the translated interview of Ilana Dayan with Nadav Argaman, former Director of the Shin Bet.
*Translated for USA for Israeli Democracy with permission from Uvda A.D. Ltd/Keshet 12. Uvda A.D. Ltd/Keshet 12 is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the translation.
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Disclaimer: Some of the video clips on this site were prepared by a not-for-profit group of concerned citizens who volunteer to translate and caption video content about the state of Israeli Democracy for general information and educational purposes. The translations do not lay claim to authorship or ownership of any underlying video clips. The video clips and their translations are limited in content and amount that is relevant for such purposes. We assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, opinions, or statements in the underlying content or translations
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USA for Israeli Democracy
USA for Israeli Democracy is a grass-roots, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting democracy in Israel. The proposed judicial overhaul threatens the foundation of Israeli democracy. It seeks to remove essential checks and balances that have long safeguarded the independence of the judiciary, paving the way for an autocratic regime.
We care about Israel, and we recognize that democracy in Israel is of US national interest. Through advocacy, education, and support for organizations working on the ground in Israel, we stand with the majority of Israel’s population in opposition to the proposed overhaul, and for maintaining democracy.